Good morning everyone!
So last night I found out that I am 156.7 lbs. Guess what that means? I gained over 25 lbs since I started college. 😢
I decided to start a new regime with a rewards program for myself. The basic gist is that I'm going to reward myself for doing something healthy and take points off when I do something unhealthy. In my head, I think this list below makes sense:
- +1 for eating a salad
- +1 for reading for an hour
- -2 for watching more than 1 hour of episodes of any show by myself
- +5 for running for an hour, +2 for 30 minutes in one session
- -2 for eating 4 hot dogs (I do this all of the time! It's super unhealthy!)
- -1 for a soda
- +1 for Orange Juice at breakfast, +1 for juice at any other meal
- +1 for every 8 oz of water I drink, +1 bonus point if I make it to 32 oz
- -5 for eating out
- +3 for a whole fruit, +3 for eating veggies at dinner (excludes salads)
- +2 for eating cheese and olives at breakfast
- +1 for healthy fruit shake type thing
- +1 for a blog post (max. 2/day)
- +5 for losing 2 lbs
I think this list is okay for now, I'll add more to it later on as I'm doing this. I'll also be weighing myself every day and writing that in my little chart. I'll keep y'all updated weekly hopefully on Wednesdays.😊 My current goal is to hit 450 points at the end of the month, and the reward is to spend up to $50 on ANYTHING!
Let me know what YOU do to get healthier in the comments below! 😁
Love y'all,
Purple Fungus
Haha, looking back, this never truly worked! Find yourself a motivation and an overall goal. Divide that goal into smaller ones and work towards a small goal. Once you reach that goal, aim for the next and the next and so forth. Good luck, y'all got this! (: