Day 3: Sneeze Away

I keep sneezing.

It's not just one sneeze either.

Imagine Harry Potter and the bludgers he dodges during his Quidditch matches and how close he usually gets to being smacked by one but never does.

Yeah, I feel like I keep getting smacked by a bludger. I seriously can't avoid sneezing in threes and have already run through a whole tissues box of tissues. (The big rectangular Kleenex tissue boxes not the poser square ones.)

I have no advice for anyone suffering from Chronic Sneeze Syndrome except to imagine their most favorite person in the world saying "Bless You" two seconds before the actual sneeze gets out.

P.S.- If you haven't read Harry Potter yet, I feel very sorry for you. You are missing out on something very amazing.

P.S.S.- If you can't read Harry Potter for religious reasons, I am sorry and I do not want to offend you in any way, shape, or form. Maybe just look up what Quidditch is so you get an idea of what I'm talking about. You don't have to read Harry Potter. (:

P.S.S.S.- Chronic Sneeze Syndrome is not real, I made it up. (Or maybe it is and I don't know that it exists...)
