Day 6: Alan Rickman

So today is January the 14th of 2016.

Alan Rickman, probably one of the most well-known and very respected actors of our time, passed away today due to cancer.

Alan Rickman reads Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 ( ):

You might know him by another name of course: Severus Snape.

Possibly my favourite character... he was just so brilliant!:

Alan Rickman was an amazing man. He was influential. He was loved and adored by many. Basically, he was amazing. I already miss him despite not knowing him personally. 
Alan Rickman! Who knew he actually has a sense of humor! You could never tell by his portrayal of SNAPE! :D:

Young Daniel talking about Alan Rickman's portrayal of Snape.:

I am a huge Harry Potter fan and one of the most amazing things I learned from the books and especially the movies is how wonderful Snape's love story is developed and how wonderfully Alan Rickman portrayed it. He knew the part he was playing was more than just a part, it was something that was real to many people. He loved the Harry Potter world as much as any reader and he did such a great job of showing it. As my sister pointed out earlier, "Severus Snape is finally with Lilly." *sobs in the background* You can tell me that The Titanic or The Notebook was a real love story, but they're not realistic. Love is giving up something to protect someone from the evils that the world contains. (I'll edit that statement when I come up with a better definition!)

This would be awesome!!!! until he took too long to spit the directions out. Ob........................................................................................................viously.:

Alan Rickman is awesome…:

And here are some of his beautiful interviews and such:

Alan Rickman on the Harry Potter set. Hahaha #JimmyFalon:
Alan Rickman about Severus Snape:

RIP Alan Rickman, you will be missed by all. <3
