Day 13: Events and Etc

A lot has happened the past few days (I won't go into detail for the sake of not boring you!), but the nice thing is that I'll be going to Turkey for a month!

It's exciting because I enjoy long airplane rides and I enjoy eating bad airplane food, it's just my thing. I'm hoping to watch Star Wars, Alice: Through the Looking Glass, or Maleficent (I love this movie) on the plane. I've been missing the smell of the sea, the smell of people smoking, and the weird smells of the small stores my sister and I visited when we were younger.

Don't worry, I'll post lots of pictures!

I've been under so much stress and pain from school and just life in general, I'm hoping that Turkey is good for me so that I can finally take a deep breath and relax a little. I literally have had no chill since college started.


The Target Beauty Box went online and was available for consumers, like myself, to buy today. I am excited to receive this package and take a peek at what all the fuss is about. I linked it so that you could take a click to see what's available. There's a box for women and men this month. It's pretty awesome so take a look at that when you have the chance!

Today was the last day for my BzzAgent Welcome Aboard campaign. They had sent me a magnet and a little flyer with some facts and help on how to handle campaigns from BzzAgent. BzzAgent is a free service you sign up for and connect your social media accounts to (optional). They basically give you free stuff to try out, you give your honest opinions and share them with people you know, then they send you more free stuff to try out because you were being so honest.


Anyway, this post seems to be getting a little long. When I have more to tell you, I'll write some more. I currently have a few free stuff from PINCHme on the way, so I'll share what I get out of those boxes when they finally (IF they ever) get here.

Love y'all!
